Double Standards

Guys pays for a count he is a gentleman, She pays he is a jerk.
Honestly this is all social stereotypical bullshit thinking, and I use the word "thinking" lightly, if you believe any of this shit, you might as well tattoo idiot on your forehead.
Would you rather have a master key or a shitty lock?

But I agree, society is fucked and then you have these feminists who are bored, and just complain for the sake of complaining even though women usually get things their way
Its alright for a black person to use the 'n' word on his/her fellow black ppl, but when it comes to other ppl from a different race, using that word its considered racists.

Not sure if the same thing applies if other different cultures use the 'g' word on red-headed ppl or speaking of 'red' even the 'r' word on certain groups of Caucasians.
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