Double Standards

Also, the biggest double standard of them all.

Humans care about humans,

Humans care less about Tree Shrews

People just need to grow up when it comes to spoken words. Most of the time being offended is a choice.
Double standards usually exist within a small minority, but these minorities tend to be everywhere, and usually people make the assumption that if a person thinks one, they think the other. Using your example above "Guy bangs a lot of women? He's a player! Lady bangs a lot of guys? She's a whore!". Well this double standard would likely be common among college students and created by them. In a college setting it would be common for a guy to have sex, then have his buddies congratulate them. It makes sense, Men in general consider sex as something to celebrate and are happy that their buddy is able do it.

Women on the other hand, women don't always view Sex as necessarily something to be celebrated. To most women sex is probably not super important. Women do however love gossip and aren't necessarily more likely to express jealousy than men, but have their jealousy have an effect on the woman that had sex. So if one jealous girl can cause gossip over another girl having sex, in a female clique where sex isn't usually seen as something to celebrate, the other girl will be painted as a slut. Had the opposite occurred in a male dominated environment, the guys would have probably told the one intending to start gossip something along the lines of "LOL ur jelly"

Notably both these examples seem to be missing something, NEITHER PARTY IS SAYING BOTH. That doesn't mean there aren't people that say both, but those people are very very very few. But because your mind has already painted this as a highschool/college environment, you'll assume THAT ALL PEOPLE IN THIS ENVIRONMENT THINK THIS WAY. It is also important to note that even though these are relatively small minorities saying this, these minorities exist just about every campus ever. So it appears to be the majority, but it really isn't.

All these things being said, one's brain has already started to paint this picture of a double standard, and any news story, FB status and tumblr master shitpost that confirms this as reality stays with one. That person now believes that double standard to be the average thoughts of the public. However, The average person does not subscribe to double standards, want proof? Take a look at all the posts so far on this thread . I have yet to see a person agreeing with that double standard. The only reason we consider double standards "super evil" is because The average person does agree that double standards sure do make for a juicy story, and will makes them look more sympathetic if they say they don't subscribe to it. Gotta earn them sympathy points
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