I never really played on computer, never liked it and don't have a gamer pc anyway, so I haven't played much MMORPG, the only ones I played were SWOR basically because I'm a SW bitch and DC online and the late one is because it was on console.

And didn't even go to far with SWOR made a carácter droped it on lv43 then a couple of months ago started a new one and dropped it at lv50. To DC online I played quite a bit for an entire year, but once again it was for console.

I tried some others Age of Wushu, Tera, but between I disliking keyboard+mouse to play and how bad they run on my computer I didn't expend more than a couple of hours.

I'd like if they reléase more FREE mmorpg for consoles. Right now there is FFXIV but you have to pay and Elder Scrolls but you need to have ps+

Oh, I also played quite a bit of WARFRAME but isn't really a morpg more like a motps, That one is perfect, is for console its free and you don't have to have ps+ to play it.