Namco E3 2016 Line-up

Quite a few SCV players started with SCIV and SCV as their first games. I'm sure the lastest game in the series with PS4/Xbox One graphics would appeal to them more, than a PS2 game from 2005.
I somehow feel like a new game would bring more life to the series than a most likely sub-par port

So you want to wait more YEARS instead of having a SC3 arcade port done in a resonable time if namco decided to do it? And who said it would be sub-par?

Maybe, but at least SC3 AE keeps ppl occupied while waiting for SC6.

I totally agree. It would be FAR BETTER than what we have now... And that is "NOTHING".
So you want to wait more YEARS instead of having a SC3 arcade port done in a resonable time if namco decided to do it? And who said it would be sub-par?

I totally agree. It would be FAR BETTER than what we have now... And that is "NOTHING".
Well, you're willing to wait more years for a new game just because you want a port, so I guess people would prefer to wait longer over nothing than to wait even longer for a new game just because they wanna play something they already played.