would it be possible to get an estimate in the future as to how much will be needed to get whomever overseas that wants to come to nec to do so? Kind of like a kickstarter with a goal? If that's possible, I can at least attempt to prepare a donation that will match whatever is necessary.
We are still a bit of a ways from NEC. I do think this is a helpful idea, though. I don't want to preemptively count out Japanese competition being present, but as of now, it seems like France is the only foreign body that has spoken in interest to attending.

@GolD ShaD : Any way you can promote and rally up some competitors over in EU to see who's interested in making NEC? And then we can see how much would be a suitable donation goal.
The Japanese will not come : /

Txa an English player will be present as well as French players: Deus, Axl , veda , maxou (as donations) , and me.

For the time being.