Nudity Taboo

Which do you think is worse?

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6 for me; I couldn't stop starring & wondered "WTF ARE THEY DOING?!?". Had a hard on; As soon as the video ended, I was corrupted & started to play with barbie dolls & humped the shit out of them from under the table. It was a bit tragic what I did to their heads. Sexual & violent; The first time I came, I never felt so powerful. I then later got scared because I didn't know wtf it was & thought I was in trouble. I then went to the bathroom, pissed it out, put a band aid on it, & pretended that shit never happened. I twitch when I see Barbie dolls, & I've never been fixed since.


Don't get me wrong, nothing is better than getting naked after you get home from work and you want to relax. But I would never get naked around anyone that I wasn't fucking, that's just me.

Besides, nudism completely removes that mystery of what's underneath. And if one guy has a monster cock, it's a distraction for the females. In my opinion the only person who has the right to know what my dick looks like is my lover.

Personally, I find most European countries, as well as the US, that there is way to much emphasis on sex as a whole in the culture. There was once a time when sex actually meant something, an expression of love. Sex and nudity has become casual, and I find that it cheapens the whole thing.

In fact, sex and nudity pretty much ruined Game of Thrones for me. Great show, but all the nudity cheapens the whole show and it feels like I'm really watching medieval-murder-porn.

Back in the day, a sex scene consisted of a few soft kisses and barely starting to unzip, then the movie goes to another scene. You know they had sex, I don't need graphic footage to get THAT point across. It's just a cheap way to sell a product is all, because it works. Everything in this free market world has sex appeal tied in with it's advertisements in some way. Stop using sex to sell things!

it used to be considered a privilege to see someone naked. Now it's just a button click away, or a trip to the nudist resort or beach.

the other thing that bothers me about nudist places is that they almost never lay anything in between their ass cheeks and the sofa their sitting on. If your underwear stinks after a day, what do you think happens to the couch after weeks, months, even years?

There is a damn good reason why we are virtually hairless compared to every other mammal (we do have microscopic hairs covering out entire bodies but they are not visible so I don't count that). We evolved to wear clothes, to protect our skin and most importantly our junk. You are far, far less likely to be bitten in the pecker by whatever insect/spider/whatever-the-fuck if you are wearing clothes.

I especially have a problem with 'nudist' websites that post pictures of pre-pubescent kids. They may not call themselves a porn site but for some people it IS porn and that's fucking sickening.

It's taboo for a reason. Your junk is your business and I don't wanna see it.