

Premium Member
Now that the Beta has been played and the full release will be two weeks from now, I would like to hear from the Beta players on which characters are (in your opinion) among the best and among the worst.

For anyone who comes here for any other reason, then do as you please.
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Best: Bastion/Trobjorn/Symmetra/Lucio/Tracer and maybe Mei

Worst: I am going to say Zenyatta only because he seems redundant given the fact that the other support characters are so good. The debuff is nice but I don't think it is much of a comeback mechanic against turrets and dumb stuff. Winston also seems like a relatively weak tank because of his shield dying quickly. I'm not sure about Zanya at all tier wise but she looks awful aesthetically.
I´d probably put Reinhardt and Bastion up there too.
Zenyatta seems like a pretty good support for attacking, he´s the most capable out of the 4 at actually killing people thanks to his debuff and decent projectiles, + his ultimate looks like it would be really good for capturing objectives/protecting the payload.