
Long time beta tester here. All of the heroes are good, though one or two are probably on the overpowered side.

Widowmaker and McCree specifically.

Widowmaker deals 150 damage body shots at full charge. Full charge is super easy to get. McCree is 70 damage per shot, with his right click fan the hammer, that's 70 x6 damage. Combined with his stun, fan, roll, fan combo, he tends to eliminate most foes with ease.

Everyone else more or less sits below those two at the moment. Some believe Tracer could also use some slight tweaks. She's far too difficult to hit, let alone kill.

Bastion right now is underpowered. He gets a lot of complaints from newcomers, but experienced players know how to deal with him easily. A big issue with him is how many counters he has. Roadhog can hook him out of turret mode. Reinhardt can charge slam him out of turret mode. Genji's deflect, Tracer's pulse bomb, Pharah rockets, sniper shots, double teaming him works too. You name a character, I can tell you a counter.

Torbjorn had a similar rework like Bastion during beta and he came out better for it. Good Torbs don't lurk with their turrets but go out and skirmish too. Most players don't realize how damaging his right and left clicks are and don't realize his left click has no drop off. A Torb double teaming with his turret is pretty scary.

Again, most characters are in really good shape right now. Yeah, Symmetra probably isn't a real support. Yeah, Winston's shield doesn't last long, and yeah D.va might be a little too vulnerable. But most of those complaints are pretty minor.