PSX SCVI Gameplay Preview Analysis

PSX has revealed the first gameplay of SCVI in motion. I broke down the most notable changes on my twitch stream and I will link the archive below. I will list the changes me and my stream caught. Feel free to post what you have seen below! Here is the raw footage without me talking over it.

Known system mechanics and character changes:
  • Reversal Edge and Guard Impact will cause the user to take guard damage when they fail to connect it.
  • Reversal Edge post hit causes a guessing game where verticals beat horizontals, horizontals beat sidestep, and sidestep beats verticals. You can potentially receive a ringout when it connects. It also automatically parries strings, but some moves have fast enough recovery to where you can block the automatic attack.
  • Soul Charge (the mechanic similar to V-trigger) causes the opponent to receive chip damage. It costs 1 bar of meter and is set on a timer that's similar to max mode from KoF. Large push back on activation.
  • Lethal Hits are hits that cause the character's clothing to break. When you hit them, the move properties change into combo starters. You can see Mitsurugi's 1A as well as Sophitia's 22B do this in the footage.
  • Guts is still in the game as well as meter. You still gain a bar of meter for losing two rounds.
  • Movement can be cancelled like in games pre-SCV. Run counter for backwards movement has been removed, but remains for side movement. (Hey guys, it looks like the mechanic might be that backdash can be run countered. It seems that verticals cant run counter in general. Only horizontals and tracking kicks.)
  • Throws still can catch side movement.
  • Mitsurugi has gained a running tackle that resembles an Arthur move from SC3. He has a new low mid option. 1aB has a new animation and 4KB causes severe knock back on hit. MST KB is NCC and his MST B+K causes an attack throw on normal hit. MST B string has a new follow up that resembles his 4B without the backdash.
That's all of the new information I could find in the video. Let me know if you find other things!

Changes found by 8wayrun:
  • No damage on throw escape. They can also build meter.
  • Meterless Guard Impact.
  • Sophitia 1AA doesn't trip on first hit.

  • Mitsurugi 1A doesn't trip on normal hit. Relic is in the game again.
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Michael Stabile

Michael Stabile

Let's battle!
The Soul Charge in SCVI is the V - Trigger Mechanic and it cost 1 bar like a CE. Meter is only used for CE & Soul Charge. Did any notice the KO animations are like SCI?


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