Ryona: Fetishism Cancer of figthing game

Ryona is a shit?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • No

    Votes: 13 43.3%

  • Total voters
Still beats quick scope montages.
I have to agree with this one, I lol'd

Also, my opinion on this "Ryona" thing is that it's not a turn-on for me, but everyone has their kinks, and we shouldn't think they're gross or weird or any of that for them. Sure, it's okay to think "what an odd thing for a fetish", but I think as long as these people aren't actively going out and beating up women to get off, then it's perfectly normal for them to have a kink.
This whole thread is kind of..... I don't want to say "silly", but it certainly is interesting.
This could pretty easily be summed as "japan, lol". Someone in the thread said something about how if it isn't directly harming living breathing human people, then it really shouldn't be an issue, and I agree. Truthfully, I'm intrigued by the idea of ryona for various reasons, but I'm controlled enough to act like a rational human being and not go out and start abusing and murdering women to fulfill that interest. It's a fantasy and should be treated as such.
The people who do go out and act on these impulses, while few and far between, are often the bad apples that spoil bunch.
I can understand how this is disturbing to some, but at the end of the they are fictional characters and fans are.... creative, to say the least.
I'm 100 percent sure that most of the people commenting on this saying it's weird and they shouldn't like it hae kinks that other people would say the exact same thing about