So tommorow is the end of the world

before anyone attacks this project keep in mind that it was funded by donations and grants that were granted by the euro union. not a dime of US taxpayer money went into this.

btw, when this thing shoots a full load next month is when the black hole might form. But there is no real science to back up that claim
holy shit.. those bastards paid 9 billion for that damn machine... they better find some ground breaking crazy ass shit with that thing.. or thats 9 billion bones down the drain
So we should be dead by now right?

Well personally I think the blasted thing worked cuz knowing we spent that much money and getting these results (that all of us predicted), I`m already feeling alittle dead inside.

I wonder if I promised to make a machine that would make farts smell like bubble gum, if I could get a few mill for that. Hell once they find out that the machine didnt do shit I can just say "you paid 5,000 scientists for the same reason, I`m only asking for a few mill."