"Super Slim" PS3 Review

That's how they were able to get the cost down of the PS3 initially from $600+ dollars. The original fat PS3's had PS2 hardware built in them for full backward compatibility. Keeping the chip in and continuingly manufacturing it would of made it more difficult for Sony to deliver a price cut on the PS3 considering how much of a loss they were initially selling it at.

Well thats one way to see things... the other one would be that they removed it to easier sell PS2 games through PSN, basically leaving you no choice but to buy the same game twice if you already have it for PS2... Besides I've read somewhere that through homebrew apps you can "re-enable" PS2 backwards on consoles that apparently aren't compatible (software based emulation same as the European backwards compatible models), so it's probably not due to costs (in regards of software based emulation, not hardware).
On the super slim... well I dunno. Its a downer it has no new features. It looks alright, I'd say better than the regular slim model, but not as badass as Darth Vaders pencil box aka the fat model. Guess I'll wait out till it proves to be reliable. In that regard the regular slim is the best choice.
That's awesome. Really cute and unique indeed. Haha.

Still think that's really stupid about the PS+ thing though, then the games going away after the time is up, what gives? =/
Oh then the fact about the credit card to activate it?
Still think that's really stupid about the PS+ thing though, then the games going away after the time is up, what gives? =/
Oh then the fact about the credit card to activate it?
What can I say? They want your monies.

It's the whole "fine print, cancel before the period is up or we'll charge you the subscription fee automatically" spiel. That usually turns me off right quick... since with things like this, it's usually "signing up is fast and easy! But to cancel you have to WALK THROUGH THE PITS OF HELL AND SACRIFICE YOUR FIRSTBORN CHILD TO BAAL"

Supposedly if you buy discounted games under PS+, they're still yours after the membership ends.
Removing your credit card is surprisingly easy on PSN though, you just remove it from your billing information from the ps3.

The only thing you dont retain access to after PS+ expires are the free games. Things you buy with the PS+ discounts are yours forever, same with the free avatars and themes you may get.