Tekken 7 is a thing...

I hope SC6 would be based on SC5 battle system with all 2d things that were introduced with it.

Don't get me wrong, i like new T7 systems, but Akuma himself doesn't fit. And Geese probably won't as well.

I'm Okay with some inspirations from 2D elements, but putting a 2D character that plays exactly like in his 2D game and that doesn't fit the game, like Akuma in T7, and even Eliza, and very likely Geese, that's what i don't like personally.
I'm Okay with some inspirations from 2D elements, but putting a 2D character that plays exactly like in his 2D game and that doesn't fit the game, like Akuma in T7, and even Eliza, and very likely Geese, that's what i don't like personally.
Oh, you're talking about that. Yeah, SC doesen't need guest characters with alien to the series fighting mechanics.
But I think that Elisa and Akuma fitted nicely into 3D environments. And Geese looks nice so far. But that's imho and I don't think SC needs experiments like that.
There's worst guest characters you could have in your game than Akuma or Geese. Spawn in SC2 and Star Wars in SC4 come to mind. Besides, Namco was already planning on a Tekken vs Street Fighter game, so Akuma wasn't added in for no reason.