Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Marvel vs Capcom 3 rumor finally!

No such thing as a Marvel vs game with balance.

My hopes:

-Ms. Marvel
-Jean Grey/Phoniex

-Pur & Fur
-Frank West

Hope there all there!
Marvel vs Capcom 3 rumor finally!

I want Jin to be back and better than he was before.

And I dont think they'll go the tatsunoko route with the animation. Making the animation different seperates the games in first place, Capcom usually has a different graphic or art style for each game so wouldn't make sense for them to make it identical to tatsunoko. I'm hoping for just really well done 2d animation.

Marvel - Night Crawler, Havoc, Emma Frost, Ms. Marvel
Capcom - X and Zero(doubtful since he's in tatsunoko)
Juri or C. Viper would be cool