Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Felicia's strength is pretty much her rushdown. She's very similar to Wolverine, in that once she gets in, it's an uphill battle getting her off you. Air Delta Kick covers a retardedly good angle for your approach. Thing is, anyone with a projectile can give her trouble. She can't win zoning wars from halfscreen or further unless she has good assists to back her up. Really good teammates for her are:

-Sentinel (Drones)*
-Doom (Missiles)*
-Strider (Vajra)*
-Anyone with a beam assist (Iron Man, Magneto, Doom)*
-Vergil (Rapid Slash)
-Dante (Jam Session is preferred, though all of them can help her)
-Hawkeye or Taskmaster (Horizontal arrows)
-Akuma (Tatsu)*
-Amaterasu (Cold Star)