[14] Master
Lol did you just call every black guy since slavery stupid?
The biggest reason why blacks don't achieve as much as whites goes all the way back to slavery. After a few generations of systematic slavery, it became a self-perpetuating self fulfilling prophecy of an underclass culture IE Black culture. Enslaving any group of people leads to the destruction of their intellect. I hate to be devils advocate here but it's true. Once the ball starts rolling, it creates generation after generation of stupidity and ignorance.
Even in the worst conditions, there are geniuses. Learn a little about the history of the U.S. and you'll find a nice amount of inventors and innovators who are black. Not to mention how our music, food, and all other sorts of culture are effected by their presence in the U.S. These are the people who invented Jazz for example, not sure if you know a lot about music theory. But that art form is the direct opposite of stupidity and ignorance. Not only did African Americans have to break through extreme prejudice and racism. They were able to do it in a way that was fairly peaceful and smart. Martin Luther King's a genius, you say there is a self fulfilling prophecy, but he thrived in a position where many people wanted him to fail. He even got shot for his efforts. So yeah........