Your thoughts on Hitbox

So my next question is is it very easy to execute 214's and 236's? I'm more concetrned if I can do Cervy's iGDR (214B)

PS: there's a vid tutorial demonstrating Ivy's Calamity Symphony.

I find it easier on the box, although that might be me being biased. But I can get iGDR and iStab quite consistently on it.

And I know the makers of the HB personally, so I know how they came up with that vid. There's also some tech that they haven't shown yet that we're working on. ;)
I got my Hitbox earlier this week, transitioning from gamepad. Here's my story:

Movement so far is a bit weird, and I've forgotten that the 8 button even exists a few times. Diagonals are not hard to hit at all. Special movements (e.g. α 236236236/214214214) take a slight amount of relearning but you can get that down within a half hour.

Half Circles (Astaroth, Algol) are extremely consistent now, as none of them require diagonals and all it takes is a simple swipe of the finger in either direction. My grabs with Astaroth are almost always JF grabs.

agA is something I have to relearn entirely from scratch. It honestly feels like I've never done the move before, and I'm pretty much starting over on it.

iFC A+G*B+G is extremely fast for me now, on par with my SC4 speed (I lost some speed because of the new buffering system)

iGDR is much more consistent on Hitbox. I don't even play Cervantes and can get it pretty easily now.

iStab is easier from everything that isn't FC, in which case I seem to have a weird bit of trouble and get something else - usually 6B. On the plus side, I get 236B:4 and 236236B:4 much more consistently now - I almost never got it on pad.

I picked up Ivy and was able to do iCS for the first time in this game on a Hitbox.

Overall, while there aren't gigantic advantages to using Hitbox in Calibur compared to games like Marvel or Street Fighter, it still makes my inputs much more consistent to the point where I believe it's a superior method of input.

EDIT: One thing I forgot. Training Mode is now a bit more cumbersome to get around, because pressing Triangle + Select seems to disable the Hitbox. IDK what's up with that, but it means that you have to navigate Training Mode through the pause menu instead. A small bonus is that you can no longer accidentally change modes by nudging the right stick.
Thank you Sora and Heaton for your big contribution.

So these will likely be my final questions before considering to buy.

1) into terms of ergonomics, my hands aren't big and my fingers are a little stubby, will it still be comfortable to play even with these types of hands?

2) I have a HRAP 3 SA, will they allow me to trade it in for depreciation value? (maybe perhaps use the buttons for the Hitbox)
Heaton pretty much hit my same experience starting out on the mark. I'd give it a couple of weeks/1 month before getting used to the 8 button. :p

Franman, for your questions:

1. Yes, you should be fine. It's only been slightly a problem for those with REALLY big hands, and even then its do-able.

2. Unfortunately, no. They can't take it in simply because they don't have the bandwidth to liquidate it (they are behind on their orders especially for the ps360+'s right now). I would sell the HRAP first if you really need the cash.
Thank you Sora and Heaton for your big contribution.

You're welcome.

As for your questions:

#1: It hasn't been a problem for me at all, and the only person I've talked to who's considered getting one modified to accommodate larger hands are Great One, and I'm sure you know how big his hands are. Any smaller and you'll be fine.

#2: What Sora said.