Violent Vodka
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  • I sent you a message via the editor, but got no confirmation that it has been sent, so in case you haven't received it... The patterns and special equipment are broken. It changes some settings after you finish editing, which will crash the game. Special equipment values all get reverted to 0 after finishing and it messes with creations who already had special equipment as well, even if you don't edit those values.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    Yeah, I've gotten reports of it, but I haven't had time to mess around with the programming lately.
    need help getting your SC5 save editor working. it updates and downloads the zip file and all, but upon loading, it gets stuck at checking for updates. an error message comes up and has some kind of information in it, but all i remember from it is that something is being sent to a JIT debugger. this is as far as i get. am i missing something? do i need the .net framework or something?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    If it were a .NET framework issue, I don't think the program would even start at all. I think you may have gotten a weird installment.
    Download the program directly from and try to update with that.
    If I delete my source code again, so help me god...
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    What if you did?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    I did. The main form in my editor was deleted after I'd just finished overhauling a certain part, so I had to go from a backup from a few days ago, and that's no fun.
    For another program, I deleted literally everything on accident, so.. It could've been worse.
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