Violent Vodka
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  • I ran into an extremely unusual issue with your program after an update: the thumbnails just broke. Now they look like the golden "New Character" slot but without the text (or the 'backside' of the thumbnail if that helps). It's also the same for any new characters I make: the gold card. Not even black. I have no idea how they broke.
    I'm on the PS3, however, so I apologize for that. I do like your program however!
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    That's strange.. I'm not sure why that worked.. I may not have set it to properly write an image if necessary.. I'll look into that.
    Hello, just a question, can you add an option you can add where it colors all of the equipment at the same time, and an option to remove the colors? Its a painful process for me to color equipment when making characters lol

    also where is them eyebrows
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    I'm not sure what you mean "at the same time"?
    As for removing colors, you can right click on them from the editor to disable the color block.

    Yeah, I keep forgetting to put eyebrows in. It just stores it in an entirely different spot than equipment, so it gets overlooked.
    I mean, like, you know how in the vanilla creation, the top color block could color ALL of the equipment colors? For example, coloring it black would change all of the equipment black, coloring it pink will make all the equipment pink, etc
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    So every color block at once.. I guess I could add that..
    Okay so im having problems i copy my save on to a flash drive then put it on the computer i use bruteforce save data to decrypt my file once thats done i go to vilent vodka save editor and load my file but none of my guys show up how do i fix this problem i cant get my save to show up on the editor i know to decrypt and encrypt when finished im on ps3 can anyone help
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    Unfortunately, I don't own a PS3, so I can't help with how to get it working on the console again. All I did to make the editor work was download a save online and find the character data.
    okay thank you well when i figure it out ill let you know incase someone else ask you the same question
    hi i just downloaded your program and im having and issue. i made a character, and saved it to both sections (the workplace and the save area) in an open slot. i put the data back on the drive and put it back into my ps3 but my character wont show up under any of my created characters. how do i fix this?
    Did you decrypt your save before opening it in the save editor? If you're using PS3 you have to use a program called bruteforce to decrypt the save. Then use it again to encrypt it and put it back in once you're done editing it.
    you need to encrypt for violent vodka? i didnt know that, thought only hex editor used brute force
    you need it for any save file editing regardless if its Hex editor or Violent Vodka, or else the program won't read the save file properly.
    I accidentally deleted a character I had backed up in your workspace, and apparently updates to the user files in one version's folder affect another's. There are no previous Windows versions with said character in the data. Am I screwed?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    Oh, haha. Makes sense.
    I spoke too soon, when I loaded my data I got DLC incompatibility message. I have all the DLC and it isn't the first time I've got such an error, though I'm uncertain what triggers it. Perhaps because the game doesn't know what the replay-character was like before the hex edits.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    It shouldn't matter what it was like beforehand. Try just copying the equipment section.
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