New Media Library Changes and Rules!

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Personally, I find the new Media library confusing and difficult to use.
- I see little to no difference between 'trending' and 'popular',
- the same videos are sometimes in three different places,
- trending are at the top, but it's the recent ones that should be first in my opinion,
- to me, it lacks 'pages' for recent media. Just like You browse through pages in a thread, would it not be easier to do that to recent media, so that even if someone spams with his vids You can go back and see what was posted before?
- instead of recent / popular / trending would it not be easier to have a division on tournament / casual / CaS ? and in each category only have recent vids with pages to look into older ones?

I know that administrating the site and dealing with users etc is hard and I am glad we have someone like You Jaxel, just wanted to share my concerns.
clean and simple page turning for older vids would do the trick, for me at least.

besides previous and next in playlists, is there a possibility to see a list of all the vids in a playlist?
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@TheFool The difference between trending and popular should become evident over time, as older videos get pushed off the trending section.

As Jaxel said earlier, pages for local media is located by clicking on the "media" button in the navigation bar for the media section. A bit of an obfuscation but the functionality is there regardless (and has become my default means of navigating the media).

The new filter feature is amazing and will let you do what you asked for. Great work from Jaxel, now I feel like a dick because of my first post. Makes me feel like I should read into CSS a bit and see if I can contribute something back. No promises though~

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