New Media Library Changes and Rules!

You misspelled sountrack Jaxel btw.
@TheFool The difference between trending and popular should become evident over time, as older videos get pushed off the trending section.
Actually, while the difference between trending and popular will become clearly evident over time... I imagine the difference between trending and recent to be little. We have a small community here, so more often not, the recent submissions will become trending.

does this mean @Jrasta111 can stop posting his dumb shit?
No, he gets to keep posting his dumb shit. But now you can more easily ignore it all. In addition, since his stuff is stupid, chances are they won't ever become "trending".

Trending/Popular scores are calculated using the following formulas... Comments are worth 100 points, likes are worth 50 points, and views are worth 1 point. Popularity is based on a the flat final value of these conversions. So popularity is how many points it has earned over the entire lifetime of the video.

Trending however divides the popular score based on a scheduled decay time. So if the decay time is 1 day; then for each day old a video is, it will be divided by that number of days. So if a video has a popular score of 1500 points, on day 3, it will only have a trending score of 500 points. A video with a popular score of 1200, that is only 2 days old, will have a trending score of 600 points, and be ranked higher.