Political Correctness


[13] Hero
I've seen a few things around recently and they've made me wonder what 8WR thinks of the "political correctness" movement that seems to be washing over the internet as of late. People being told to stop making jokes at the expense of minorities and women, to cut "abliest" language out of their lexicon, that they aren't allowed to criticise anything that feminism does, negative or otherwise. That kind of such and such.

I also think it would be prudent to discuss one of the roots of the issue online, tumblr, and why such echo chambers are as toxic as septicaemia.
I've seen a few things around recently and they've made me wonder what 8WR thinks of the "political correctness" movement that seems to be washing over the internet as of late. People being told to stop making jokes at the expense of minorities and women, to cut "abliest" language out of their lexicon, that they aren't allowed to criticise anything that feminism does, negative or otherwise. That kind of such and such.

I also think it would be prudent to discuss one of the roots of the issue online, tumblr, and why such echo chambers are as toxic as septicaemia.

Well I think feminism is a bad example. Since it's not really politically correctness imo, it's a gender disparity slaughter. We have all heard of feminist activist groups but what about a male equivalent? Non existent, we barely have a political or social voice anymore. They are beating us into a bloody pulp and we do nothing about it. They frequently use the argument that we can't understand them because we aren't in their shoes. This shit goes both ways. I haven't seen many women try to understand the struggles of being a man. But for some reason I need to learn their menstruating cycle? I need to know what horoscope they are? I need to understand how hard the make up struggle is? Fuck that shit. Join this facebook group my friend and we can stop the evil tyranny of women.

There is the Men's Rights Movement, but they tend to be bitter neckbeards (same type that rant about being blown off because they're nice guys) so it's hard to take them seriously.
There is the Men's Rights Movement, but they tend to be bitter neckbeards (same type that rant about being blown off because they're nice guys) so it's hard to take them seriously.

Nice guy bullshit isn't a real mens movement. Like feminist want to rip our balls off and make us apologize. We need a real movement.
A feminist told me that there is no such thing a masculinist cuz it's 24/7 or some bullshit.

In the military, women have a lower standard in the Physical Training test than men. If you think about it, it should be equal to men because now women are holding men down from their inferior strength. It's not sexist, it's just true. There should be one standard for both men and women, but if it were the same standard, feminist would say the military is trying to fish out women, when in reality they're fishing out the weak.