Political Correctness

Feminism has a rather humorous amount in common with the National Socialist German Workers' Party, if you look into it enough.
Feminism has a rather humorous amount in common with the National Socialist German Workers' Party, if you look into it enough.

You need to explain to me this German Workers Party, since I'm not all too familiar with it.
I get this idea that Men don't need a voice because they're the ones in power, but I don't agree with it.

One of my main gripes is this argument over unfair wages and inheritance laws, things that have been tradition for centuries before Tumblr came along. Shit like that ain't gonna change in a few weeks because some people on a website decided to tweet it or whatever.

I'm all for equality, as long as it comes with the acceptance that the sexes do have differences and that those differences have an impact.

As for ableism and stuff, I try be sensitive to an extent, but at the end of the day a word only has as much power as you give it. If someone's offended, that's their deal. If it's nothing particularly major then grow a thicker skin.