Political Correctness

I'm pretty sure this applies to any website with a like or upvote system. Or more importantly, any place with anonymity. Not even 8WR is safe from the political correctness crusade.

Regardless, I think JonTron said it best.

I am just concerned about why he didn't quote that post properly.
I personally dislike how this age is a one in which a multitude of people are offended by the simplest things. I believe that jokes at the expense of others are acceptable unless the butt of the joke is truly offended, and then it becomes harassment. In the case of radical minorities, i.e. feminazis, being the one to throw a fit and scream at the person who was just trying to be funny is harassment on their part. For example, the guy who made the Hugh Mungus joke was followed around by a woman who was screaming about how she was sexually harassed. Many people interpret this joke to be a reference to penis size, but he was actually referencing his portly nature. I've been going on too long, but the point is this: Don't go around causing a scene if you get offended. If you are offended, just privately tell the person that you don't appreciate being made fun of.