Well I decided I want to learn some A-Pat. He has extra difficult execution moves. I feel that the most advanced players who play this game have picked up A-Pat at least a few times. May someone give me some pointers for his set-ups and timing for his just-frame moves?

Oh wow, a new APat player! We're only like 5.

There isn't really anything one can offer for the timings. Just go to training mode and repeat the ones that give you trouble until you can do them multiple times in a row. If it helps, a:g:B and JFT (Twister) require 1f slides. 1B:B is precise to 1f, 1A:A:A is precise to 2 and FC 3B (both variants) and BT B+K:B are precise to 3 or4 frames (can't remember).

You can try combining multiple JFs to learn them faster. For example, 1B:B ~ (optional 1B:B ~) FC 3B:B ~ JFT ~ JFT will help with 3 JFs (or even FC 3B BE, 8A+B (RoH) ~ JFT to help with 4, and is more reliable). BT B+K:B ~ 1A:A:A helps with another 2. a:G:B ~ a:G:B ~ 2362B:A (or end with JFT for more help on that, and it's more reliable) to help with the last.

He does a lot of damage for little risk, so you really want to get as much damage in as you can any chance you get. He has multiple ways to lop off 100+ damage (or close to it) with most of the starters being safe (1B:B, 11B, 33B, 44B+K BE, 3B, 66B, BT B+K, B+K, RoH A, CH WR B, CH FC 3B) and some less so (FC 3A+B, a:g:B, JFT, 2A BE). They're all bad on JG anyway.

His throws are great; both the A+G and 214B+G throws give up to (and over sometimes) 100 damage. His side and back throws are 60+ too.

His stances are useful. 214 lets you access FC and WR attacks, TCs, can be buffered, and retreats (whether once or wave dashed). 236 lets you access 8WR attacks (and if you don't follow with any 8WR direction, can let you access neutral attacks, and therefore A, B, K ~ G cancels). It doesn't work for 7, 8, or 9 inputs though. It can also be buffered, TCs, and advances. It's worth looking into these to replace your forward and backward movements (especially backward, since no CH then).

RoH has two attacks, both useful. RoH A is a good anti step is +11+ on hit and ~-3 on block. Its advantage on hit changes depending on the angle it hit, so it can go from +11 to +18 on hit. The BT mixup is potent too on hit. In a lot of cases you can actually jump back to safety after it gets blocked. Naturally, it depends on whom you're against. RoH B isn't particularly useful outside of combos, and serves its role there well. Empty RoH is not useful.

His anti steps aren't as painful as his verticals, but some have their benefits. 2A combos with his CE, 1A:A:A is a low, launches, rings out and wall splats, 3K catches all but lacks range, 4K catches most but has range and good damage, WR A and 33A combo with CE on CH (+ WR A is -4 and results in BT on CH), RoH A, aside from everything above, is a TJ attack, bA is painful but punishable, 4A and 44A both result in a BT opponent), 3A TCs quickly, 22AA stuns and combos with some other stuff, 11K and 11A are lows that put you and your opponent in FC for a bit and 11A knocks down on CH, Jump K combos with CE on CH.

Other useful attacks are FC K (not 2K, that's mostly rubbish), WR K, 6B and 4B push back a bit, 66K combos with CE, is a TJ, tracks quite a bit, and is also only -4, 44K knocks down.

I think that's all I have. Just head on to the alpha section to see the other combos you can try.
Character: yoshi, xiba, cerv
Role: student
Available Time: just send me a message
Platform: Xbox 360
Username: Main War
I need this help on soulcalibur 5 and sadly I don't have a Mic but I still can hear people......
Depending on your mentors, you will never still won't be as good as certain individuals...
Character: UNKNOWN
Role: Destructive Force, Former/Retired King
Available Time: First To X Matches, Variable, Graveyard
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Username: VileDeath Wave x 3 - Calamity, VDWIII, or
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#JustSayin #RankOne
Character: yoshi, xiba, cerv
Role: student
Available Time: just send me a message
Platform: Xbox 360
Username: Main War
I need this help on soulcalibur 5 and sadly I don't have a Mic but I still can hear people......
If you have facebook you should join this group. It is more active than here at the moment. Just drop any questions that you may have and someone will help you out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/284631121586118/
Depending on your mentors, you will never still won't be as good as certain individuals...
Character: UNKNOWN
Role: Destructive Force, Former/Retired King
Available Time: First To X Matches, Variable, Graveyard
Platform: Xbox Live
Username: VileDeath Wave x 3 - Calamity, VDWIII, or
(VDWx3 Calamity)
#JustSayin #RankOne

As you can clearly see how corrupt this place is when a Mod or Admin calls you a Scrub. Plus anyone can be a mod here, like this this trash xiba player here^ who also lags harder than a Canadian.
Party Wolf, You da real lag trash. Don't be trying to bestow me your garbage titles in front of your blind as fans.