Stick to your throw game, especially flapjacks. Whiff punish Algol with 33B. You have to take big risks with Nightmare like having your 3B blocked and your throws ducked because you can do more dmg than Algol as long as he doesn't have full meter or hit you with 44B and you hit him with your risky but high damage moves. DON'T get hit by 44B! If you need to backstep don't do it from range and use B+K~NSS to backstep Algol's short-ranged pokes (2A/2K/1K, etc). If the opposing Algol can hit their iFC 8B combos you're in trouble, you have to eat the wake-up because of your frame disadvantage (when he ends the combo in a regular headbutt), in which case its better to block standing than low (but be prepared to block 1A). Algol's should want to pressure you with 66B (-4 on block), also to break your guard meter for a free 44B combo, use this knowledge to your advantage. If Algol starts spacing you, you have the advantage. However if Algol shoots a bubble you want to dodge it and run forward (because of Algol's potential QI followups). Try to only sidestep/ forwardstep when at mid-far or far ranges. Learn to react to Algol's QI mixup (QI B * QI K) this will take experience and time. Sneak as many 1K's in with NM as you can, your lowkick game is better. Try to bait Algol's parry (623B), block it and punish with 4K BE or 3{B}, its really unsafe. Save your Meter for combos and CE.

Hope this helped.
thx a lot dood...I'll take as much as I can on board
thx a lot dood...I'll take as much as I can on board
Easy Stuff to Counter vs Algol:
6AA > Duck 2nd hit.
6AAB > 3rd hit can be JG'd & stepped.
3AA > 2nd hit is tough but worth JG' ing.
33AB > 2nd hit can be JG'd & stepped.
6BB > Duck 2nd hit (bubble only happens if the 2nd hit makes contact).
3BB*33BB > 2nd hit can be JG'd.
4BA > JG'ing the 2nd hit leaves Algol open for a very long time.
6KK > Duck 2nd hit.
WR KK*WR K{K} > JG 2nd hit, react to the delay.
A+B*2A+B*4A+B*FC 2A+B > JG any bubble at mid/ far range and watch out for QI followup.
2B+KB > You can JG the bubble, he should be punishable after.
QI A+BB > Sidestep the 2nd bubble, punish from range.

Punishing Algol Easily as Nightmare:
(Go into Training Mode vs Algol, set it to Record Command, record one at a time, each of these moves followed by immediate Guard, practice punishing each move 3-5 times to get familiar with it)

Block > 3AA/ 3BB*33BB/ 4B (disrespect 2nd hit)/ FC 8B/ WR B/ WR KK
Punish w/ 6K

Block > 2K*FC 2K/ 2B+K (disrespect bubble)
Punish w/ WR K

Block > 1A/ 11B/ 1K/ 11K(lariat)/ 77K(slide-kick) (close-mid range)/ RUN K
Punish w/ WR {B}

Block > 4AB/ 4BA/ 77K(slide-kick) (far range)
Punish w/ 6A

Block > QI K (it will stand you on block, its weird)
Punish w/ 3{B}
This thread has been really inactive lately, huh?
Anyway, I'd like to be a student once again.

Characters: Astaroth, Pyrrha and Viola.
Role: Student
This thread has been really inactive lately, huh?
Anyway, I'd like to be a student once again.

Characters: Astaroth, Pyrrha and Viola.
Role: Student
Here's a quick Viola rundown for you:

Step 1: learn ToD
Step 2: Literally only go for ToD mixup
Step 3: i guess sprinkle some 44A BE in there
Step 4: ???
Step 5: lose every single tournament you go to
Here's a quick Viola rundown for you:

Step 1: learn ToD
Step 2: Literally only go for ToD mixup
Step 3: i guess sprinkle some 44A BE in there
Step 4: ???
Step 5: lose every single tournament you go to
You've forgotten a very important step. To master Viola, you must first master Amy. And to master Amy, you must first go to mode select.

@hwang24 I can teach you basic Pyrrha. I'm a Pat main but greek stuff is greek stuff. Do you have psn or xbl?