What's your opinion of the Tekken series?

I love Tekken 3. It has locked on combination and a wide selection of characters.
Tekken 6 was too much button mashing for me. But the "Virtua Fighter 5" is so far the best of new modern fighting games!
I will always have a soft spot for Tekken as T5 is the first FG that I learned to play competitively, but the team's inability to trim the fat circa T4 has left the series with bloated move set and roster, and for a game emphasizing on memorizing opp's cheeses and launchers to survive, that's a huge barrier of entry for newbies. Playing Tekken is like attending history class compared to SC's chemistry class.
The game is fun just don't get launched. Tekken can be very unforgiving at most times IMO. Streams are pretty hype, I just rather watch Tekken instead of playing it.
I'm a fan of the Tekken series. I've put a fair amount of time into TTT2, it's a fun game and it's really deep, which is both a blessing and a curse. It's not the easiest game to learn. I play Heihachi/Michelle.
Probably unrelated AND VERY LATE... but... would anybody here who would like to have either Eddy OR a Capoeira style fighter in T7? If so let me know. If not, let me know.