Why is racism still an issue in a civilized, globalized world?


Ever since I was born I have never looked at anyone of a different race as inferior, or superior, I simply look at them as just another person.

The fact the social media is trying to riot black people with movies showing 1930's racist baseball players and such is pathetic. Racism is over, people on the internet may say racist things to get people upset, but seriously, it's time for people to stop feeling oppressed, and stop living in a self-induced oppressive society.

If you can't find a job? RACISM!

If you get a failing test? RACISM!

If someone looks at you strange? RACISM!

If someone just doesn't like you? RACISM!

Bury the 150 year old hatchet and let's all just become "people" where what you do personally is an interpretation of what people think of you, not your skin tone.

If only people had your mindset. Racism is still here, but on an subtle level. Most people keep saying the world is vile, there nothing wrong with THE WORLD, it beautiful and so full of life.It what in most people's hearts, having the ugly mindset of racism...
If only people had your mindset. Racism is still here, but on an subtle level. Most people keep saying the world is vile, there nothing wrong with THE WORLD, it beautiful and so full of life.It what in most people's hearts, having the ugly mindset of racism...

Yeah... It is a sad world since a lot of people's hate for other people is based off ignorance and bias, rather than logical reasoning... =P

If racism is anything, it's not "Black Oppression", it's more like in the middle east where Muslims try to openly kill Jews. Obviously that has religious bias in it too, but roughly you've got people in America complaining they got cheated out of a job because they're black, meanwhile in Israel you've got Muslims trying to set Jewish buses on fire!!

It's just insane.
It is an sad reality, people complain about this and complain that.While other kill an other human being for being different, it IS insane...

Lol yep! It reminds me of like when people complain the government has too much power, and meanwhile other countries you aren't allowed to own game consoles, own guns, you can't vote, and you have no welfare system! How to feel good about where you live ---- look at other countries where you don't live! xDD
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