Xbox 1 tidbits

This game might be utter shit, but it sure is pretty.





Too bad the framerate is ass.
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Lighting on that pillar is beautiful.. Crytek's CryEngine 4th Gen sure is pretty although the reviews on that game are almost unanimously horrible. Looking forward to what future games will look like. I know everyone wants high frame rates but that's arguable aesthetic IMO (as long as it's not choppy). It's a question of super high frame rates to get a superficial "video" look or lower frame rates to have a more traditional "film" look quality. But then again, these are polygon generated graphics - not film. So the later is probably more desirable.

I'm trying to imagine what the next iteration of a Soul Calibur game would look like on both XB1 and SC4 - my guess it's probably going to look something similar very close to the original E3 promotional high rez renders of SC4 of which of none of the previous generation consoles could ever be capable of.

Anyways, how are most of you guys liking the XB1? I have a PS4 but eventually early next year will pick up a XB1 as well. I've tried the XB1 over a friend's place - not sure I like the clicky shoulder buttons or the triggers though - will need to get use to that. Otherwise the console is overall pretty cool even though aesthetically it looks like a big TIVO.
So I'm not sure why I bothered getting this thing. The only two games I got for it are Battlefield 4 and Assassin's Creed 4 and both of them have screwed up servers right now. Everyone knows about Battlefield not working and I already posted in the Assassin's Creed thread about the problems I'm having with that. So I basically have a big black box with two games that won't work, loads of fun. Granted these server issues are on the developer's end and not the console's fault but still I feel like I wasted money right now.

Also I'm gonna drop this in here-
I'm guessing Ryse is basically like Kameo: ROE. The game is pretty to look at but it's pretty shit.

However, I'm not spending money on this thing until there is a game that convinces me to get it or I can buy it without that stupid, fucking peripheral.