Xbox 1 tidbits

LOL, the comments on that video: "the 138 gigs is reserved for NSA spying". Priceless. Kappa

This is why I wait a year or two before I jump ship. People are doing it to soon and are paying the price for it.
Once we get external USB saves the problem will be solved... xD Wii-U ran into this problem literally the first week. It had 32GBs of storage space of which you had to spend 8GBs just to install the day one update!
I'm getting really pissed off that I can't play either of my current games online right now, I still can't get either AC4 or BF4 to connect to their servers. On BF I keep getting that "Lost connection to EA servers" crap the instant I select the multiplayer option on the main menu and on AC4 I keep getting "cannot connect to Ubisoft servers" when I try the same thing, or even when I try to use the fleet minigame. I think it might be my router but I can't tell. (we got xfinity a few months ago)

When I check the Detailed network statistics on my XB1 I get-

Download speed - 22.25 Mbps

Upload speed - 6.73 Mbps (These two vary each time obviously)

Download packet loss - 0%

Upload packet loss - 1%

MTU - 1480

Latency - 87 ms

Wireless strength - 85%

Detailed NAT information - Your network is behind a cone NAT (can someone tell me what that even means)

Status code 0x2000054

Can someone with an XB1 let me know if this is normal or is my internet fucked?
I'm getting really pissed off that I can't play either of my current games online right now, I still can't get either AC4 or BF4 to connect to their servers. On BF I keep getting that "Lost connection to EA servers" crap the instant I select the multiplayer option on the main menu and on AC4 I keep getting "cannot connect to Ubisoft servers" when I try the same thing, or even when I try to use the fleet minigame. I think it might be my router but I can't tell. (we got xfinity a few months ago)

When I check the Detailed network statistics on my XB1 I get-

Download speed - 22.25 Mbps

Upload speed - 6.73 Mbps (These two vary each time obviously)

Download packet loss - 0%

Upload packet loss - 1%

MTU - 1480

Latency - 87 ms

Wireless strength - 85%

Detailed NAT information - Your network is behind a cone NAT (can someone tell me what that even means)

Status code 0x2000054

Can someone with an XB1 let me know if this is normal or is my internet fucked?

^ Whoa... O_o;;; I haven't had any problems on mine like that, and my friend's XB1 either. The only issue we had is when you download a game sometimes your internet can spike corrupting the install. So I'll have the game freeze at the same point when playing Ryse... So I'll uninstall it, re-install it, and the 2nd level is now perfectly fine, but then maybe it'll completely freeze again at level 5!

So I think it's a software issue for me. As for BF4 and CoD Ghosts I haven't had a problem at all with the online servers and the dedicated server for Ghosts rocks!! >:D Also about BF4, people on the internet have been saying BF4 has been deleting people's data across consoles, and when your Cloud uploads the data to your next save point... You then lose your previous save. =P