Silent Joel
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  • For some reason nobody except moderators can edit their posts after a certain amount of time although Jaxel insists it's not true, do you need something putting into it for you?
    ok so in the event Adam is unable to get in contact with his nephew to house him, what do you wanna do?
    lol I wasn't implying for you to organise the rooms XD I'm just trying to lay the possible options I know of...yh sure I'll do that...your FB is on the SC UK page right?
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Yeah I'm the only person who ever posts anything on there ever. And yeah I can help organise with the foreign players. Kerrigan, Panto and Shad might come but accommodation will be a problem for them, mainly the price.
    lol it could be worse, if I start posting on there, you'll never see the end of it you planning on throwing those 3 plus Adam into a hostel...have you not the movies? XD anyway, I've left him a message on FB...I've done all I can
    Sorry for those statements in your thread, It's just Europe is scared of Viola because of a combo vid. Viola isn't broken. I'll show everyone at NEC. By the way, I wasn't at Summer Jam.
    Yeah, I'll be there
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Haven't you registered for NEC yet? I've got my Pom-poms with your name on it, don't make me looks stupid now.
    I will buy the pom poms off you for £5. I cannot repair the damage done to your reputation after being the sole Frayhua cheerleader at NEC and there being no-one to cheer. Sorry about that. You looked pretty though.
    I'm hearing sounds about a SC2/5 tournament in November.... can you make it not November 1st or that week at all? Any week after is good.
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