Silent Joel
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  • The fuck is wrong with your internet! Did you open all neccessary ports at your router? Or do you just live in a place where other people rape your connection? Once a roommate of me starts a download im fucked as well :)
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Yeah my ISP said the problem would be resolved end of Feb :-( It's ok during non peak times. I'm guessing you can't get on at those times?
    Well i work during the week, so i usually dont play too late. I am usually not in bed before 1am anyway, so maybe 12pm-1am works?
    Hey, these tourneys are monthy right? i'll try to come next one :)
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Good to hear. Yeah the next one will probably mid Jan.
    I need monies but I'm sure ill be at another! And I'll get a room next time... :/ my shoulders are ruined
    Hey, what's up! I hope you haven't given up entirely on SC5. :)
    I heard you're on PSN, too? If you'd like to play a match or two, add me: KalasSC
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    I would never stop playing SC if there's people to play. Halo's the only game that can keep me away. Congrats on your win, we'll definitely have some games when I've got my PS3 and screen hooked up.
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    You ignored my challenge :(
    please, for the love of god, record any and all matches with divined, and post for the amusement of us all
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Doubt he'll come, dunno where he's from exactly. Why do you wanna see the matches?
    for the lol factor of course
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