Silent Joel
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  • Damn sorry I was busy and din't have my phone on me, what you say?
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Justin said he'd have it this week but other people were saying he's taken long in the past. I guess you could ask him to send it to you. Don't think the bracket will work on Challonge since I think they didn't do correctly.
    Yeah I won't use Challonge, just list the 18 or so players in terms of placement.
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Okies. I think I already know the Top 10
    Answered your message on PSN. On second thought, it might reach you faster if posted here. Tell me when you want to play.
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Hey man, I was just adding some EU players that aren't on XBL so I'll catch you whenever. I'm usually on quite late or playing on XBL, I'll PM you on here to say when I'm on though which would be easier.
    Works for me.
    You marked Lebello's Last Resort as a "weekly", is that correct?
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Yeah it's a weekly, thanks.
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Actually I think it might be better labelled as bi-weekly if you can still change it.
    I just noticed we both have birthday on January 5th. Interesting ;p
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    Reactions: Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Haha, very interesting! I guess all SC players born on this day are extra awesome! :-)
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