Dark Souls 3 is out. Anyone playing it?

recently i've started dabbling in pvp and it's been a learning experience for sure. for a while i didn't really like using the hornet ring, but it's starting to seem mandatory to invade with it. when i'm dealing with 3+ people i need my parries, backstabs, etc to just end people before i get triple R1 spammed to death. when i invaded without the hornet ring it was so depressing when i'd parry/guard break a phantom only for it to do 30% of their life. this has become more apparent when i started a lucatiel cosplay invader when i invade early game.

that being said, i can't stand hornet ring in 1v1's. without the pressure to deal with multiple people i'd rather have fights not end just because of a lucky parry or something.
Pvp is kind of awful in ds3 imo. The latency issues are worse than ever and 95% of the matches are gank squads because of the jacked up priority of invasions and whatnot. And until the game is FIXED the meta of straight sword and cestus r1 spam is just lame.

Pvp is kind of awful in ds3 imo. The latency issues are worse than ever and 95% of the matches are gank squads because of the jacked up priority of invasions and whatnot. And until the game is FIXED the meta of straight sword and cestus r1 spam is just lame.

not sure effective it is since i have no 1st hand experience, but perseverance gives you poise/armor on the next few hits.

i'm also apparently part of the problem since i'm mainly a straight sword user. i was rocking the holy lothric sword for quite a while until i stumbled upon anri's sword. i then respecc'd to see how big a boost luck gave anri's sword, wasn't really expecting much tbh....only to find out out with base dex/str and 93luck i got aroungd 480-500AR (don't recall the exact number atm). thought it was super cool up until i saw that literally everybody's done it
I've been doing an INT and LUCK fighting sorcerer build with the Man-Grub Staff and Hollow Uchigatana. It's been pretty great so far especially since I started using the Hidden Body spell. That spell just messes with enemy AI something fierce. With 30 INT and 30 LUCK I've been doing 500+ damage for every Great Heavy Soul Arrow now that I've got the Scholars Candlestick in my offhand. I don't even need magic clutch ring or that magic boosting head equipment. The only time I needed those was for some bosses (Twin Princes). We'll see once I get to SL 120, but so far I'd recommend this build to try for PvE. It let's you use hollowed weapons that can be buffed with different resins in case a boss resists magic. The only thing is you have to farm 30 Pale Tongues to get it... Also, transitioning to Luck as a sorcerer might be a bit rough.