How does a man get a lot of unconditional love in life?


[10] Knight
No bullshit, but I'm a really nice guy in real life. I care harder then a white knighter & loyal to the bone more then an ass kisser. Don't get me wrong, I am a douche in 8wr, sorry about that, but how the hell am I the one who gets to be alone in life more then others? For an example: You see this asshole guy, right? He's a fucking asshole! who probably is rebellious too. Has more friends then you, gets loved more then you do. You see him get all the love from his family & friends better then you do. Then you look at this nice guy, he's nice, sweet, & cares for people. However, HE IS ALONE! No friends, not much love from family, gets shitted on all the time, maybe. XD lol, How does that work?

I've seen pictures of the nice guy following a girl, but the girl follows the asshole, & the asshole does w/e to be an asshole. So how do I get that feeling of having a lot of people love you for you in life?
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It's because woman like confidence. Imo you shouldn't strive to be so loved. Just go with the flow, and if someone shows they appreciate you then relish it while you can. I've known people who strive to be loved, and it doesn't usually work out that well for them. Don't set yourself up for disappointment, it's never good to want something to much.

Hope you get this problem situated, DEX =(
No bullshit, but I'm a really nice guy in real life. I care harder then a white knighter & loyal to the bone more then an ass kisser, Don't get me wrong, I am a douche in 8wr, sorry about that, but how the hell am I the one who gets to be alone in life more then others? For an example: You see this asshole guy, right? He's a fucking asshole! who probably is rebellious too. Has more friends then you, gets loved more then you do. You see him get all the love from his family & friends better then you do. Then you look at this nice guy, he's nice, sweet, & cares for people. However, HE IS ALONE! No friends, not much love from family, gets shitted on all the time, maybe. XD lol, How does that work?

I've seen pictures of the nice guy following a girl, but the girl follows the asshole, & the asshole does w/e to be an asshole. So how do I get that feeling of having a lot of people love you for you in life?
You lack confidence to take the initiative. Truth is you're sitting in what I'd like to call envy and sloth. Two dangerous things that can hinder anyone.

I don't think anyone with this mindset would keep a girl. See when someone wants a girlfriend, they ought to check themselves of what they're getting themselves into.

Are you going to marry that lady in the future? If no, you're not ready to love. If you're unsure, it's also just as bad.

Point is, why settle for girlfriend material when you can focus on putting a ring on that finger?

Ladies want a knight, not a half naked knight. Sometimes you even have to sacrifice your precious hobby times a bit to show that lovely flower of a lady, she is your number one.

If you're not willing to go far, then you can't ever hope to get love. For it's about putting up with flaws and all to be happy together.

Ladies that want bad boys are just like us guys who want those certain girls. Personally I respect dudes who have a job, car, and can take care of others like himself.

That just means he has the tools to take care of his precious half. That's the way god designed us to be, but certain men don't pray and put things to action.

Whatever the case I hope this helps.
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It's because woman like confidence. Imo you shouldn't strive to be so loved. Just go with the flow, and if someone shows they appreciate you then relish it while you can. I've known people who strive to be loved, and it doesn't usually work out that well for them. Don't set yourself up for disappointment, it's never good to want something to much.

Hope you get this problem situated, DEX =(
It's not just women in general. I mean anybody, really. I know quite a few assholes in real life actually who get all that shit I can't seem to have. You should see them around there friends, they look like there having a blast. Hugging & shit... Idk, though, Orange. It's confusing as hell though, I know that. Though what you said is pretty different from the many others I asked in life, but it feels like I've been doing that for years. It's funny though, seeing as how you in 8wr can post one thing in your status, & then a lot of posts get attached to it in seconds. Which I'm sure is normal for girls. I see it all the time.

Also I must of said something in a wrong way I'm guessing, because it's not only you too, but Yoshi thinks I'm trying to get with a woman romantically. lol n.n Nah, I'm just wondering what I'm doing wrong in life to not have what an asshole can. Especially girls! lmao, I see them loaded with friends & getting that constant love. It's like "holy shit!"
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In that case let me spell it out for you. I responded unconditionally for you and pointed out the flaws that is lack of confidence to take initiative, envy, and sloth.

Another flaw is sometimes you don't be honest with yourself lest you'll dig a hole for yourself.

No friends to help correct you equals no lady to balance you out. I have no qualms being a friend to even someone like you. Why do you think I don't follow the stupid prideful I'm gonna ridicule you route that isn't me?

However we're nothing more than online strangers. The only difference between me and you is I know whining what you don't have isn't gonna help at all.