How does a man get a lot of unconditional love in life?

In that case let me spell it out for you. I responded unconditionally for you and pointed out the flaws that is lack of confidence to take initiative, envy, and sloth.

Another flaw is sometimes you don't be honest with yourself lest you'll dig a hole for yourself.

No friends to help correct you equals no lady to balance you out. I have no qualms being a friend to even someone like you. Why do you think I don't follow the stupid prideful I'm gonna ridicule you route that isn't me?

However we're nothing more than online strangers. The only difference between me and you is I know whining what you don't have isn't gonna help at all.
I know this probably makes me seem very like a guy who bitches & cries because nobody holds him or w/e, but hey! I've got absolutely nothing to lose. & I can hopefully find the answer I seek. Besides, I'm not trying to make it seem that way. So no worries.
The short answer: seek out god and eventually you'll get what you need.

Long answer: from where I'm standing you're playing cool rather than being honest with how envious you are to jocks.

Bad boy jocks are like hares. They're fast out the door, but they never finish the race. They may have everything at first but they'll never be satisfied. Thus they have a lot of so called friends which they can't tell who is truly their friend.

People like you ought to be more like a turtoise. Slow but they always finish to get what they want. Even in hopeless situations, they still press on knowing what they must do.

Pray, work at it, and eventually god will bless you.
The short answer: seek out god and eventually you'll get what you need.

Long answer: from where I'm standing you're playing cool rather than being honest with how envious you are to jocks.

Bad boy jocks are like hares. They're fast out the door, but they never finish the race. They may have everything at first but they'll never be satisfied. Thus they have a lot of so called friends which they can't tell who is truly their friend.

People like you ought to be more like a turtoise. Slow but they always finish to get what they want. Even in hopeless situations, they still press on knowing what they must do.

Pray, work at it, and eventually god will bless you.
lol, is there any chance I can get it now? By the time I become too old, I probably wouldn't be into the things people do now. I'd probably be like one of those guys who died all by himself.
Why wouldn't you get it? Look I have no gf, but I sure as heck take pride in leaving it to god and doing what I can. He knows what I desire and I'm working on getting the tools to marry a lady with his help.

Not get a girlfriend and show off friends. Then all you're doing is being like the jock hare.

Don't be someone you are not. That's a quick ticket to not being happy. I know that everyone wants to look like an ideal couple. They ought to cast down that nonsense. Even swan couples have to work hard to look graceful.

That's another quick ticket to unhappiness. True love is always about helping each other out, sharing is caring, what you see in Disney movies, and etc.

Funny thing is it all originated from god who sent Jesus. That way when we die, we can join him he'll give tons more even if you get none in earth. That's why you should not worry.
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