How does a man get a lot of unconditional love in life?

Why wouldn't you get it?
xD Dude, I'm not talking about being in a serious relationship with a girl. That's the part I'm not getting about what your trying to explain. I'm just talking about getting a ton of love from family & friends like how the assholes do. Have you ever seen an asshole in life go up to his friends & have them all smiling & happy to see his ass? Do you know what it feels like to be a ghost in a group gathering? You know how funny it is for people to see a nice guy get slapped across the face by somebody? Or how bout a girl just showing up out of no where & has a lot people bothering her already? All those are something I don't know how to get. Except the ones that are negative cause I'm already there.
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No bullshit, but I'm a really nice guy in real life. I care harder then a white knighter & loyal to the bone more then an ass kisser, Don't get me wrong, I am a douche in 8wr, sorry about that, but how the hell am I the one who gets to be alone in life more then others? For an example: You see this asshole guy, right? He's a fucking asshole! who probably is rebellious too. Has more friends then you, gets loved more then you do. You see him get all the love from his family & friends better then you do. Then you look at this nice guy, he's nice, sweet, & cares for people. However, HE IS ALONE! No friends, not much love from family, gets shitted on all the time, maybe. XD lol, How does that work?

I've seen pictures of the nice guy following a girl, but the girl follows the asshole, & the asshole does w/e to be an asshole. So how do I get that feeling of having a lot of people love you for you in life?

Scientific Ishimaru Answer!!:

The main reason why you probably notice women with wife abusers, or girl dating unemployed guys who go out and get drunk all the time... It's simple...


I see girls go on dating sites and say they want a man who's like tall, handsome, athletic, doesn't smoke or drink, and has a good job! Then they end up dating some loser guy they've known since they were 15 because they can't bare to leave him because they're emotionally attached to him, even though he's the opposite of their dating criteria!

It's like this DEX, imagine your dream girl, then imagine what her dream man would want... BECOME HIM! Still be yourself, but improve upon yourself, like getting a good job, going to the gym a lot, getting a hair cut, learning social skills... These are all things to make yourself more desirable and increase your probability of attracting more women.. =]

Remember, love is an emotion response triggered by two people who enjoy each other's company. It's like 80% emotion, 20% logical.. ^__^
xD Dude, I'm not talking about being in a serious relationship with a girl. That's the part I'm not getting about what your trying to explain. I'm just talking about getting a ton of love from family & friends like how the assholes do. Have you ever seen an asshole in life go up to his friends & have them all smiling & happy to see his ass? Do you know what it feels like to be a ghost in a group gathering? You know how funny it is for people to see a nice guy get slapped across the face by somebody? Or how bout a girl just showing up out of no where & has a lot people bothering her already? All those are something I can't explain how to get. Except the ones that are negative cause I'm already there.
Again. Don't be someone you are not. You are dex, a berserker who wants friends, family, and whoever to love him for him.

What you lack is confidence to take initiative plus you harbor envy and sloth in your heart. Ain't no one gonna help you get you those things you want unless you stand up and take action. Heck god won't move unless you do.

You want friends? Communicate. You want to rekindle family members to love you? Communicate.
You eventually want to settle down with a berserker wife? Communicate.
You want to be the true berserker everyone knows and loves? You have to get off your whiny lazy butt and go make it happen.
Again. Don't be someone you are not. You are dex, a berserker who wants friends, family, and whoever to love him for him.

What you lack is confidence to take initiative plus you harbor envy and sloth in your heart. Ain't no one gonna help you get you those things you want unless you stand up and take action. Heck god won't move unless you do.

You want friends? Communicate. You want to rekindle family members to love you? Communicate.
You eventually want to settle down with a berserker wife? Communicate.
You want to be the true berserker everyone knows and loves? You have to get off your whiny lazy butt and go make it happen.
lol; Don't you think I do communicate? Convo's with me usually last for 5 seconds, & some people even get annoyed when I talk to them & I try to not make it that way. I was told, your hanging out with the wrong people. That may be true, but then I thought, "I've probably done this to about thousands of people" not everybody can be a wrong person. So if that happened to me like a thousand times, or so, wouldn't the problem be me? That would be the most reasonable thought, but how could it if I'm a nice guy? Confidence in taking initiative, I may have given up on that by a lot. However, I wouldn't give myself the blame for that. I'd say it's more on the side of the peoples fault they can't try to make an effort to talk to me, or at least say hi, like I always do, every damn time. Makes you want to see if only somebody else can finally do the same for you as you have done to them.