SoulCalibur 20th Anniversary Video

I've been trying to be realistic and trying not to get my hopes up but they sure aren't making it easy. I mean, they'd have to be the most dense motherfuckers in the world to think the attention they've been paying the series won't send fans of the game into a frenzy about a possible Soul Calibur VI announcement. Especially with this video.
I do think it'd be kinda cool to get a Soul Calibur 3 remake though. Not like the HD SC2 release, more like what was done with the first Fable game. I mean personally I'd prefer Soul Calibur VI, but still.
I can't blame the makers for taking their time on making the next SoulCalibur game, but still. It's been almost 5 years of fan frustration and heartaches, a plenty. They'll release it when they'll release it.

<- Christopher and Rias are good.
A SCIII remake wouldn't be a bad idea. They could expand the story of that part of the game, fix the bugs, find a way to include Dante, like they intended to in the original, maybe even make KOS-MOS a full character and expand on the Bonus Characters as well (after all, not only does said group include Amy, but also some older characters that returned on that game).