Trolling on Omegle *nsfw


is dead
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: hello
Stranger: M or f
You: does it matter?
Stranger: Yes
You: f
Stranger: Cool I'm a m
You: i kinda figured.
Stranger: Yea I know I feel like a duche bag srry just really horny
You: are you now?
Stranger: Yes
You: so, what should we do about that?
Stranger: You should talk dirty to me
You: ok.
You: so...
You: were in my bedroom, lights are dimmed down a bit.
You: come on... im losing interest.
Stranger: I would cuddle with you first then slowly unbotton or take of your shirt then your bra
You: there you go.
You: i like that, i moan a little.
You: quietly.
You: i push you back playfully and go to undo my pants
Stranger: I would do it for you
You: thats so sweet.
You: after my pants are off, i slowly take off my panties...
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey asl?
You: 19 f
Stranger: hey ;)
You: why you ask?
Stranger: cause im 21 m usa
Stranger: and i like women
You: you looking for dirty talk?
Stranger: maybe ;)
You: ok. where do we start?
Stranger: wherever u would like ;)
You: ok, we are at my place, top floor of a nice hotel, big open picture window with a cityscape outside.
You: lights are dim
Stranger: I reach in slowly and brush the hair back from your face, then move in for a kiss
Stranger: we getting taking eachothers clothes off as we continue kissing until we are both naked and very horny ;)
You: i gently push you onto the bed. i hear something behind me towards the window. i ignore it and climb next to you.
Stranger: I grab your big tits and tease them as you reach down and grab hold of my cock ;)
You: i hear the window break behind me, as we turn to look, there is a giant scaly face staring back through the window. OH MY GOD, GODZILLA!
You: you didnt run fast enough
You: he ate you.
Stranger: good story ;)
You: also im a guy.
Stranger: fuck u fag
You: <3
Stranger: I hate u bitch
You: want to start over?
Stranger: EAT MY DICK
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: m
You: well, how rude. you dont even say hi?
Stranger: hii
You: thats more like it.
You: hello
Stranger: asl??
You: 19 f usa
Stranger: what brings u here??
You: looking for a little "fun"
You: you?
Stranger: same here
Stranger: wat kind fun??
You: you into roleplaying?
Stranger: sure
You: ok, where are we?
Stranger: teacher or student
You: that works. student please.
Stranger: r u teachere??
You: ok, fine.
You: you start
Stranger: u teach me geography
You: ok.
You: thats exciting...
Stranger: bt i m little weak in geo..
You: ok, what part of geograpy do you need help ing?
You: in?
Stranger: then u start my extra clsses in ur home
You: ok, that works i guess.
Stranger: u wear deep neck top
You: no, i wear the school regulated button up shirt and long black pants
Stranger: ok
Stranger: then
Stranger: ur top 2 butons r open
You: no, thats against regulation.
You: they are buttoned.
Stranger: then
You: are you sure we shouldnt be teaching you keyboard skills?
Stranger: yeah
You: ok. continue
Stranger: then one day i put my hand on ur thigh
You: i brush it off. that ind of contact isnt allowed between teachers and students.
Stranger: bt u teach me personally
Stranger: then
You: i know. i take my work very seriously and dont want to lose my job. there arent a lot of schools looking for teachers nowadays.
Stranger: then fuck ur asshole
You: that kind of contact DEFINITELY isnt allowed. try again.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Any more conversations I have I'll post here. I'm laughing too hard to focus right now.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: m21
Stranger: hi
You: f20, want to talk dirty?
Stranger: yhh depends if uve got a nice pussy or not
You: the best.
Stranger: 9" hard between my legs atm ;)
You: 9/16 and juicy like a starburst.
You: so what are you wearing?
Stranger: jus my ck boxers lol
Stranger: you?
You: im wearing jeans, socks, and an old white "weekend warriors" t shirt.
You: should i change that?
Stranger: yhh take it all off n play with ur pussy while thinkin of me n my huge cock
You: ok.
You: ill start slowly, no need to rush things.
Stranger: ;)
You: what should i call you?
Stranger: umm liam, thats my name lol
You: ok liam, i gotta say...
You: im actually a guy, but please keep going, youre giving me a boner.
Stranger: urrrggghhh u weirdo why would u pretend to be a girl to chat to guys thats jus fucked up at least be straight with people rather than lying
Stranger: umm no i think i told u enough u fag
You: ok, do you want me to pretend to be a girl again?
Stranger: no im goin now u fuckin perverted freak
You: please dont leave
You: we have so much in common
Stranger: byeeeeeeeee no we dont im english and ill kick ur fuckin face in if u ever talk to me again
You: i will never forget you liam, you will always be the one that got away
You: <3
Stranger: haha my name aint even liam you pleb
Stranger: calm down dont get ur nickers in a twist you fuckin homo go find alan carr or sum1
You: im sorry, lets just go back to pretending im a girl.
You: oh liam, im so wet right now!
Stranger: yhh coz ur face is covered in blood after i one banged you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I think this guy was british
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You and the stranger both like Sex.
You: hi
Stranger: Hi m
You: f here.
Stranger: Age?
You: watch any good movies lately?
You: 19
Stranger: Ok 22 (making sure not underaged:P) umm I've seen Gamer
You: that was a decent movie.
Stranger: Ya:)
You: the plot was good, casting was good. ending left something to be desired though.
You: what did you think?
Stranger: True, true a little too bloody for my taste but ok 7/10
You: yeah. what did you think about the intro? i found it to be a bit too lengthy myself. they should have vut to the action a bit quicker.
Stranger: Ya kindof confusing too
You: yeah, i had to back it up to figure out what was going on. what was your favorite part?
Stranger: Not to sound Pervy but I liked the twins tits:P
You: lol works for me.
You: i personally thought they used a bit too much sex appeal. my favorite part by far was the face off between the two last guys.
Stranger: Hahaha that was good but, then again I'm a guy, we are addicted to sex xD
You: i suppose so.
You: the last part was really intense. i wasnt thinking that guy would win, to be honest.
Stranger: Now, I'll be happy to continue this conversation but I'm in a bit of a dilema
You: what is that?
Stranger: Now, don't leave
You: ok.
You: you either ;)
Stranger: Ive been, pleasuring for an hour and a half and cannot finish... Would you be so inclined to help
You: lets finish about the movie first.
You: then whatever you want
Stranger: Alright
You: what was that guys name again, the black guy?
Stranger: I can't remember :P it's been a month or so since i
Stranger: Last saw it
You: ugh. either way, i think they made him too muscular, and too much of a "stereotypical black guy"
Stranger: Hahaha they tend to do that in a lot of movies
You: if he was more calm and level headed, i could have gotten into his character a bit more.
You: what do you think?
Stranger: Possibly, but it did intensify the movie moreso
You: i guess so.
You: yeah, thats actually pretty smart.
Stranger: Haha
You: i think the main guy shouldnt have been so much of an underdog too. they do that too often.
Stranger: In almost every movie
You: it would have been nice if he was more of the "macho agressive, cant be taken down" kind of guy.
You: take the stage from the black huy a bit more.
Stranger: Haha he was in a way, he was being rooted for
You: well yeah, but through the whole thing, he had a feeling of "he might lose in the end"
You: and he was kind of scrawny for a main character
Stranger: Ya, and VERY trur
You: but, it was a pretty unique idea, and i could totally get behind a sequel, if they didnt make it too over the top.
You: so, i would say 8/10.
Stranger: A sequel would be nice, but would have to change, not the same movie, different timeline
You: but i gotta break something down for you real quick.
You: some of it you will like, some of it not so much.
Stranger: Some of what?
You: A: im not a chick
B: i intentionally drove this conversation away from sex as long as possible
C: i have never seen the movie "Gamer" before. as a matter of fact, ive never even heard of it.
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: Good one man
You: <3
You: i suppose you dont want me to help with pleasuring you, so i will let you get going
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I love trolling people on Omegle, usually when I'm drunk. I enjoy scaring people away. Here are some from that question discussion thing you can do...

Question to discuss:
Didn’t your mom ever tell you not to talk to strangers?
Stranger: haha yup
Stranger: im a rebel obviously
You: she also told me never to strip naked, tie rope to my genitals, get on the dinner table and sing 'my heart will go on'
You: but that didn't stop me!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Question to discuss:
Entertain me with a conversation.
You: sometimes i make kittens watch me while i fap
You: i dress them in novelty hats
Stranger: that is pretty
Stranger: strange
You: and arrange them in descending height order
Stranger: BUT THEN AGAIn
You: dude, that's just messed up.
You have disconnected.
this guy took me off guard when he said "yes", but i caught myself and did what i could.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: M or f
You: f, why?
Stranger: Male
Stranger: Im really hard..
You: oh, are you?
Stranger: Yea. I'm horny..(:
You: on a scale of 1-10?
Stranger: 8
You: wow
Stranger: Why
You: same here, but i would say im closer to a 10.
Stranger: Wanna make me a ten?(;
You: maybe...
Stranger: Talk dirty to me
You: ok.
You: you like foreplay or you want to get straight to it?
Stranger: Little foreplay
You: ok
Stranger: Describe it nice(;
You: alright.
You: about 10 inches long, kind of tan, not too much. really veiny.
You: the left one sits lower than the right
Stranger: Yea
You: you like?
Stranger: Yes
You: ok.
Stranger: More
You: can i stuff it in your butt?
Stranger: Yes please
You: really?
Stranger: Yes!!
Stranger: Be gentle
You: ok. as i stick it in, slowly, softly...
You: you glance back at me
You: but
Stranger: Can I suck the cum out of it too?
You: its the creepy little puppet from jigsaw!
You: youre dead.
You: "lets play a game"
You: now what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.